Kravet Brands

Kravet Introduces Value-Driven Brand, 'kravetsmart'

October 7, 2009

BETHPAGE, New York – In an effort to prove that high-design products can be durable and reasonably priced, Kravet has introduced kravetsmart, a new brand which aims to provide just that.

Kravetsmart will offer fabrics, trimmings, furniture and carpets to designers and clients looking to save dollars in an uncertain economic climate. The "smartfabrics," as the company has named them, will be offered in a full spectrum of textures, patterns and colors. The brand's "smartweaves" will launch with a set of six color books featureing the palettes Pebble and Pepper, Cocoa and Sangria, Turquoise and Seaspray. Finally in the fabric line, kravetsmart's "smarttextures" will come in a clean collection of herringbones protected with Teflon® and provided through the company's Guaranteed In Stock program. The multipurpose, high-performance fabrics for upholstery are part of Kravet's Free Fabric on kravetfurniture program.

In addition to the kravetsmart fabric offerings, the new brand will also offer "smartwindow" and "smarttrimmings" in silk velvets, silk textures and silk dupioni as well as linen sheers and wide-width sheers. The "smartfurniture" collection will offer sofas, chairs, sectionals, sleepers, chaises, upholstered beds and ottomas in various styles – each with 60,000 fabric skus to choose from including leather and other fabrics that come free when used to upholster smartfurniture.

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