Kravet Brands

Wadhwa Brothers Add Walnut Cut Order Line

March 24, 2014

NEW DELHI, India — Seasons Furnishings Ltd. Has launched a new cut order line under the name ‘Walnut.’

Jasmer Wadhwa, 26 is handling domestic sales of Walnut while his brother Sumer, 28, is responsible for export sales. Both young men are the sons of Inderjeet Wadhwa, Managing Director of the local Seasons mill here. Inderjeet is responsible not only for the mill but also for the export sales. That makes him the supplier to his boys!

His brother, Mandeep handles retail sales for the six Seasons retail showrooms in Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Chandigarh and Delhi.

“Our mill business was stable in 2013 which proved to be one of our best years in business,” Inderjeet said. He expects that 2014 will be ahead of last year by 30-40 percent.

Sumer says that most of his business is now in the USA for Walnut but this should expand, he says. He’s also doing cut length in Southeast Asia. “The customer is not adding vendors easily. They are cautious.”

“We’re adding export markets rapidly for Seasons. These include Australia, UAE and Saudi Arabia in addition to the USA and Europe. In fact, we’re doing very well in Europe. This business has been driven by our FR product line that we started up seven years ago. If we hadn’t specialized in FR, it would have been harder to grow since the residential business is so competitive,” Inderjeet said.

Seasons has a two piece minimum requirement with 2,500 sku’s in solids and jacquards in the 5Euro-10Euro price range FOB. The FR line is sold through contract specialists throughout Europe.

The Wadhwas, first and second generation will attend Proposte and will show their line at The Palace Hotel.

Wadhwa Brothers: Sumer Wadhwa (28), handles export business while Jasmer, Sumer’s brother (26), younger son of Inderjeet Wadhwa covers the domestic India market for Walnut.Wadhwa Brothers: Sumer Wadhwa (28), handles export business while Jasmer, Sumer’s brother (26), younger son of Inderjeet Wadhwa covers the domestic India market for Walnut.

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