Kravet Brands

Valdese Weavers Makes Decision to Drive All Brands With Crypton Home

November 26, 2014

VALDESE, N.C., -- Valdese Weavers is now offering Crypton Home branded fabric protection across all Valdese brands, including custom products and exclusives according to Michael Shelton, President and CEO.  

The move allows customers to decide which constructions, colors and patterns they need to be high performance. 

“We have been extremely pleased with our launch of Crypton Home branded fabrics,” Shelton says. This enhanced initiative puts the power of selection in our customers' hands. Their choices are now driven by what they conceive in a performance line, by utilizing our well established core competence for customization combined with the power of the Crypton Home brand.” 

After only a year of collaboration on the Crypton Home program which began at December Showtime 2013, both companies became attune to the possibilities of expansion and a growing desire in the marketplace for performance fabrics that crossed constructions and yarns. Shelton is excited about Showtime this December, mostly to see customers’ reactions to all the possibilities that await them. “This program is a first, and I think we’re going to create tremendous interest. It puts beautiful, high-quality performance fabrics within everyone’s grasp.”    

“It combines unmatched selection with unmatched performance,” says Crypton Co-chairman Randy Rubin. “No other fabric has the cleaning and stain resistance properties of Crypton Home.” Crypton’s performance includes stain-release fibers, soap-and-water cleaning, and high level abrasion resistance. 


“Our vast yarn banks, unlimited colors and wide range of constructions give the customer carte blanche to create what they want,” says Valdese Weavers Chief Creative Officer Laura Levinson “If there’s a pattern they can’t find, we’ll design it. If there’s a certain color desired not currently in our line, we’ll dye it. From the boutique brights of Circa to the shimmering glamour of Home Fabrics and the wide range of styles from the Valdese Weavers brand, we cover a lot of ground, marketwise.”  

In addition to multiple brands, the company also works with varied yarns that product a natural feel. “We work with an array of natural fiber blends which produce fabrics with interesting textures,” says Levinson. 

The Crypton Home collection will be shown in the Valdese Weavers showroom, on the sixth floor of the Market Square Textile Tower. The display will include 100 fabrics from the collection.

Valdese Weavers is the largest producer of decorative textiles in the United States for residential and contract markets. The company operates four facilities in Burke County, N.C., which trade under the brand names Valdese Weavers, Valdese Weavers Contract, Circa 1801, Home Fabrics and Valdese International Products.  

The Crypton Companies have provided patented, textile performance solutions since 1993.  During that time, CRYPTON Fabric, had a major impact on the healthcare, hospitality, government, education and contract segments.  More than 110 million yards of Crypton fabrics are installed in commercial and residential applications worldwide, the makers say.

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