Kravet Brands

Texco Acquires Lomitex, Now Last Dutch Printer

March 10, 2015

ALMELO, The Netherlands—The Dutch print converter Texco has acquired Breda (Holland) based Lomitex  (December, 2014) and showed its first new collections of Lomitex prints at Heimtextil.

Henk Veldhuis, founder of Texco, confirmed the development. “We’re the last guy standing in the Dutch printing industry that once ruled the print world with the departure these last years of Texoprint, Swinkels and Lakatex,” he told F&FI. Henk VeldhuisHenk Veldhuis

Mitch Bloemers, former director of Lomitex is now Commercial Director of Texco reporting to Veldhuis, who is Chairman. 

Texco is the last major Dutch printer remaining in business, Veldhuis says, with $12 million in sales. Texco is licensed by Disney to print children’s’ designs like Shrek®.

“We’re never out of stock. Minimum order is one piece for wholesalers and large retail chains. We do not sell cut length.” The lines sell for 2.5 Euros to 15 Euros available on ten different basecloths. 

Texco is a licensing, marketing, distribution company but leaves the actual printing of the goods to other suppliers

Texco is a 37-year-old company while Lomitex was 20 years in the business. 

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