Kravet Brands

Slettvoll Family Has Unique Catalog

November 17, 2017

ALESUND, NORWAY—Slettvoll Mobler, a small upholstered furniture manufacturer has created a unique catalog of its merchandise featuring its 50 employees in various stages of undress wrapped in upholstery fabrics and throws.
Marit Steinsbu shows off new catalog from Slettvoll Mobler, Alesund, Norway based furniture manufacturer Marit Steinsbu shows off new catalog from Slettvoll Mobler, Alesund, Norway based furniture manufacturer
The idea for the catalog is the brainstorm of Live Sletvoll, the daughter of the owning family. Live and her mom, Torill, were photographed with Jimmy Nelson, the famous photographer who shot the catalog.
Live Slettvoll, Jimmy Nelson and Torill Slettvoll Live Slettvoll, Jimmy Nelson and Torill Slettvoll
Patrik, associate of Slettvoll  Mobler as seen in the catalog Patrik, associate of Slettvoll
Mobler as seen in the catalog

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