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Roc-Lon Introduces Its Solution for a Better Night's Sleep

September 5, 1999

New York -- According to Sleep Medicine Studies, 92 million Americans suffer from sleep deprivation, and this number jumps vastly when speaking about the problem on a worldwide scale. This sleeplessness is a major cause of traffic accidents and health problems, not to mention inefficiencies, errors and accidents in the workplace and at home. Rockland Industries, the makers of Roc-lon 'TLC'- Total Light Control System for hotels and motels for the past 50 years, asked themselves why their system -- which blocks out light, acts as a thermal insulator and a noise reducer -- could not be used in consumers' homes?
Over the last year, sales have exploded, said Mark Kresel, executive vice president of sales and merchandising for Rockland Industries. At first it was hard creating relationships with retailers, but now stores like Linen & Things, J.C. Penney, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Sears, Fortunoffs and even JoAnne Fabrics are carrying the item in their stores and some are even using the product in store catalogs. Everybody seems to want to get on board, said Kresel. Not only is it decorative, but functional as well. According to Kresel and Rockland, it is the "Greatest invention for sleep since the mattress."
Rockland has been offering the Roc-lon 'TLC' in the United States, Canada and Latin America for standard size windows. They are currently working on customizing the product for Europe, Asia and South Africa, which have windows of different sizes. The company is committed to manufacturing whatever size necessary for Europe and Asia and already has representatives set up in various countries. To accommodate the foreign markets even further, the company has printed its information packets in Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese and Russian. In the past year, they have been to China and Moscow and received positive feedback. "We can see ourselves expanding into these different areas," said Kresel. "We intend to grow this market to the fullest capability. It belongs in every bedroom."
The black-out liner is ideal for many homes, according to Kresel. It can fit under existing drapes and a magnetic strip allows the liner to seal in the center automatically. Rockland does offers a drapery with a decorative fabric for those customers looking for a complete package and these packages can be designed for specific stores. "Everyone has their own set ups," said Kresel, "and we will work with them."
Rockland is pursuing the market vigorously. They have begun marketing the product for infants, juveniles, and parents because of each group's demanding need for sleep. It is also ideal for home entertainment systems, said Kresel, as it allows consumers to obtain better viewing and sound quality.
"Who needs it? We all need it -- shift workers, children and even students," said Kresel of the Roc-lon 'TLC', which has been endorsed by the National Sleep Foundation. "It creates nature's sleep the right way. I have them in my home and I have had the best sleep in my life."
For more information about Roc-lon 'TLC'- Total Light Control- System and the Rockland brand of drapery linings: fax 1.212.779.7410, e-mail or visit their web site

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