Kravet Brands

Report from 93rd Annual IH/MR&S is Positive

December 18, 2008

WHITE PLAINS, New York – This year's International Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show, which took place in New York City on Nov. 8-11, generated positive feedback from both its vendors and buyers who came looking for innovation and high quality at reasonable prices.

Show organizer, George Little Management, released a report stating that IH/M&RS, in its 93rd year, attracted 34,050 registrants and 1,250 exhibitors. The participants hailed from national purchasing firms, management companies, military base lodges, boutique hotel operators and multi-unit owners.

"It became apparent from the opening moments of the show that attendees were here to search out suppliers that allowed them to be more aggressive marketers in this period of uncertainty, and to address their competitive positions," said show organizer, Lynn White.

Koni Corporation, a brand-setting interior soft goods company for hotels, was an exhibitor at the show that reported success. "This show far exceeded our expectations," said Koni Kim, CEO and president of Koni. "We came in not knowing what to expect based on economic conditions, but ended up having an absolutely phenomenal show. We saw many management companies and international representation from Latin America. The people who came were serious, talking real number and about real projects."

The 94th annual IH/MR&S will take place from Nov. 7-10, 2009 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City.

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