Kravet Brands

Pierre-Edouard Prevot Heads Casal-Luciano Marcato While Father Jean-Mathieu Retires

July 28, 2015

PARIS, France — Pierre-Edouard Prevot has become President of Casal and Luciano Marcato brands with the retirement of his father Jean-Mathieu Prevot this year.

The two-editeur brand generates annual sales in excess of 12 million Euros according to Jean-Mathieu.

He was President of the forerunner to the current company, Scheurer Tissus D’Ameublement between 1981 to the closing of the company in 2000. 

Scheurer Lauth, the mother company of Scheuer Tissus D’Ameublement, established in Thann, France in 1841, used to be a big printing mill until 1956. Then, the too old printing machines were sold and commission printers made the production and Scheurer turned into one of the leading French converters in printed fabrics. Pierre-Edouard and his dad Jean-Mathieu Prevot: Pierre-Edouard and his dad Jean-Mathieu Prevot current and former CEO of Casal respectively in front of best selling fabric Cuba Libre from Luciano Marcato collectionPierre-Edouard and his dad Jean-Mathieu Prevot current and former CEO of Casal respectively in front of best selling fabric Cuba Libre from Luciano Marcato collection

“Due to the dramatic fall in sales of printed fabrics in the late 90’s, Prevot closed Scheurer Tissus D’Ameublement in the year 2000. “Most of our French competitors were hit by the same crisis at the same period, including our two ex main competitors: Texunion and La Cotoniere D’Alsace, which had to close operations as well,” the senior Prevot says.

“Fortunately we owned another company, originally a jobber in furnishing fabrics located in Paris, which I could develop into being an éditeur. Before 1990, that company was known as ‘Omnium De L’Ameubement Et De La Literie’, located in Paris. In 1991, we changed the name to ‘Amelie Prevot ‘ after my eldest daughter. In 1993, we moved to Thann, in the east of France, where Scheurer has been since 1841, to use the human resources, and buildings as Scheurer’s activity became lower and lower.”

“In 1995, we bought Casal, and, after a few months we changed the name of the company to Casal as it was better known outside France. In 1996, we bought Driot-Gradi (Ms. Driot is still working with us); in 2000 I bought C.S.A. International, a company founded by Christian Rabaron, who worked with us until he retired in January 2014. In 2008, we bought Pansu. In 2010 we bought Luciano Marcato after its bankruptcy, in 2011 we bought S.A.T. (Successors d’Albert Tronc) and, after the fire, which destroyed their mill in September 2011, we bought the brand Clara Lander.

The Prevot’s now do business as Casal–Luciano Marcato and sell our fabrics worldwide.

If you want to have a look at the Casal-Lucino Marcato collection, it can be seen in the showroom in Paris, currently 40 rue des Saints-Pères, near Saint Germain des Prés. 

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