Kravet Brands


April 18, 2002

Editors Note: Companies with extended listings replied to a questionnaire which was emailed to all Proposte exhibitors.

Ad. Wever GMBH & Co. KG -Germany

Algemene AFW NV-Belgium

Astra Nova SRL-Italy
Stand Number: 49
Fax: +39.0331.381.067
New products
Jaquard, fil-coupè, metallic fabric, shot material, Trevira CS and special effects for very innovative curtains. Colors and fantasy will lay a great emphasis in our collections, suitable for the best European and American distributors.
Please specify how many years you have exhibited at Proposte.
We have been exhibitors at Proposte from the very first so with this edition it will be the tenth year.
What has Proposte meant to your company?
We think that Proposte is a well organized and specific Fair in the sector that brings into contact manufacturers and distributors as regards trendy and middle-high level articles.

Aznar Textil S.A.-Spain

Bekaert-Depla N.V.-Belgium

Bergerot S.A.- France

Brueder Baumann GMBH - Austria

Bucol - France

Casalegno Tendaggi S.P.A - Italy

Conjugi Eger SRL - Italy

Craye S.A. - France

De Poortere Freres S.A.- Belgium

Delius GMBH - Germany

Desatex-Desalux - Belgium
Stand Number: N95
Tel: +32.56.501.508
Fax: +32.56.503.844
New Products
Because of the 10th Proposte anniversary our companies have focused their spiritual and technical innovativeness into outstanding fashion and trendy coordinated collections for multi-use purposes in residential and contract projects.
Please specify how many years you have exhibited at Proposte.
This year is the ninth.
What has Proposte meant to your company?
We are very happy with Proposte because of right time selected company profiles high quality standard of visitors romantic, relaxing place.

Deslee Textiles - Belgium

Donald Brothers LTD - U.K.

E. & S. Smith LTD - U.K.

E. Schoepf GMBH & CO - Germany

Ernst Beck GMBH - Germany

Escolys Textiles N.V. - Belgium

Ets. Goeters "Ars Et Labor" N.V. - Belgium

Europ Marchini SRL Div. Home - Italy

Evento Arredamento By limonta - Italy

F.A.S.A. SRL - Italy

F. Vanoutryve & CIE - France

Gebr. Munzert GMBH & CO - Germany

Fidertessile SPA - Italy

Figli Di Rigo Andrea SPA - Italy

Fiorete Group SPA - Italy

Gaetano Rossini Holding SPA - Italy

Gerns & Gahler GMBH - Germany

Giber SPA - Italy

Girmes & Girloon GMBH - Germany

Glenanne Jacquards - U.K.

Gratry Lorthiois - France

Haezebrouck N.V.- Belgium

Hield Brothers - U.K.

Imatex SPA-Italy
Stand Number: 24 Ala Lario
Tel: +39.031.692222
Fax: +39.031.690216
New Products
For Proposte, the company will launch a line of products marketed under the brand "Helios." "Helios" is a new unique range of qualities and constructions geared for the high end of the market. The new brand takes its place alongside Imatex''''''''s established brands "Imatex" (middle to high end) and "Alenova" (for price-conscious customers).
Company News
Major investments have been made in both yarns, colours and logistics in order to combine new exclusive sophisticated looks with a very high level of service and performance through out all 3 brands.

Italvelluti SPA - Italy J.A. Raymakers & CO BV Koninklijke Textielfabrieken - The Netherlands

Jover Internacional S.A. - Spain

Libeco-Lagae - Belgium

Limonta SPA - Italy
Stand Number: Ala Lario (stand number not known yet)
Tel: +39.031.857111
Fax: +39.031.857204
New Products
New linen and raffia upholstery fabrics, and new wool plains and multicolor stripes.

Magniarredo SPA - Italy

Mambretti Filippo SPA - Italy

Manifattura Casati SPA - Italy

Manifattura Castiglioni SPA-Italy

Manifattura Fossa SRL-Italy

Manifattura Tessile Di Nole-Italy

Manifattura Vay Giuseppe SPA-Italy

Manuel Romero S.A.-Spain

Mario Cavelli SPA-Italy

Mario Sirtori SPA-Italy

Mermoz S.A.-France

Michele Solbiati Sasil SPA-Italy

Molteni & C. SPA-Italy

Morton Young & Borland LTD - U.K.

O.J. Van Maele-Belgium

Para'''''''' SPA-Italy

Pausa GMBH-Germany

Pippig & Reichel GMBH-Germany

Pozzi Arturo SPA-Italy
Tel: +39.039.5311121
Fax: +39.039.5311227
New Products
Fidenza, a 100% viscose, available in 12 colors and as an inherent version (Class 1). Oceania, a 3-pattern collection with viscose and linen. LaVinia, a 5-pattern collection available in 20 colors; 30% viscose, 28% cotton, 42% polyester.
Please specify how many years you have exhibited at Proposte.
3 years.

Pozzi SPA Industria Tessile-Italy
Stand Number: 40 Ala Cernobbio
Tel: +
Please specify how many years you have exhibited at Proposte.
Please note we have been exhibiting at Proposte since the beginning, so this year will be the 10th year.
What has Proposte meant to your company?
Proposte is our main show, also because it''''''''s a "domestic" exhibition and it is visited by the most important customers of ours and there are always new potential customers.

Rafael Catala S.A.-Spain

Ratti D.-Italy

Redaelli Velluti SPA-Italy

Replin Fabrics-U.K.

Rossini Della Quercia SPA-Italy

Sanz Asociados S.A.-Spain

Sati S.A.-Spain

Schellens Furnishings Textiles -The Netherlands

Schoepf GmbH & Co
Stand number: 62
Tel: +49.9256.80.60
Mobil: +
New Products
Velvets in new exciting colors and designs.
Please specify how many years you have exhibited at Proposte.
We''''''''ve exhibited at Proposte since 1995 and consider it the finest exhibition for Europe-made furnishing fabrics. It''''''''s an excellent surrounding for representation and business.

Seteria Vincenzo SPA-Italy

T.A.L.-Tissages D''''''''Ameublement De La Loire-France

Ter Molst International N.V.- Belgium

Tess. Jacq. Lodovico Rossini SRL-Italy

Tessitura Jacq Vincenzo Molteni S.A.S.-Italy

Tessitura Leandro Piovano SPA-Italy

Tessitura Leutenda SPA - Italy

Tessitura Pietro Cazzaniga SPA -Italy Tessitura Sasatex SPA-Italy

Tessitura Walter SPA-Italy

Tessitura Stoffe SPA-Italy Texital SRL-Italy

Texnova SRL-Italy

Thistle Mills-U.K.
Stand Number: 67 Ala Regina
Tel: +44.(0.)1899.220837
Fax: +44.(0.).1899.221182
New Products
Jacquard woven Chine and Rohe designs, huge-scale brocades and damasks incorporating textured and metallic yarns. These are accompanied by dobby woven classics, traditional Glen checks and stripes using mohair and mixture yarns.
Company News
Our company has recently installed full width jacquards, which elminate the design repeat restrictions we had and will increase our scope and overall design capability.
Please specify how many years you have exhibited at Proposte.
We have exhibited at Proposte for five years.
What has Proposte meant to your company?
Proposte has successfully increased our worldwide exposure, specifically to the high end of the market, this due to its high quality and size.

Tissage De Picardie-France

Tissages De Gravigny-France

Tissus D''''''''Avesnieres-France

TMG Tecidos Para Vestuario E Decoracao S.A.-Portugal

Torri Lana SRL-Italy

Vidal y Sanz S.A.-Spain

Vigano SPA-Italy
Stand Number: 47 Ala Cernobbio
Tel: +39.031.6923209
Fax: +39.31.690318
New Products
Taffetas with fancy yarns, viscose chenilles, heavy tapestry chenille designs; velvets: viscose velvets, Trevira CS velvets, acrylic velvets.
Company News
Vigano has opened a New York showroom at 234 W 39th St., Seventh Floor: Tel: +001.212.704.0958.

Villa Tessitura Jacquard SRL-Italy

Weverij De Ploeg BV-The Netherlands

Wilhelm Kneitz AG Textilwerke-Germany
Stand Number: 75 Ala Regina
Tel: +49.9227.600
Fax : +49.9227.60174
Website: (under construction)
New products
New range of flat weaves and jaquard and dobby velours in different articles.
Company News
Brandarticle "RAINBOW" in cooperation with Höpke Textilverlag. Part of Tapestria - The interior fabrics marketplace. Zanchi Tessitura Serica Divisione Della Rubelli SPA - Italy

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