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Michael Gittelson Passes, 73

July 14, 2022

Michael Gittelson
Michael Gittelson

Los Angeles—Morgan Fabrics Chairman and CEO Michael Gittelson died Tuesday evening., July 12 from heart complications.

“Michael had been dealt the hand of a weakened heart, one that ultimately could not keep up with his zest for a full life and his love of Morgan Fabrics,” according to a company-made statement.

Gittelson was the mastermind behind the rapid growth of Morgan from a regional American jobber to an international supplier.

“We have the legacy of a family business that has operated successfully for over 65 years since 1956, and we have every intention and plans in place to seamlessly continue business as usual for future generations,” say surviving Gittelson/Morgan management members Tina, Bob, Steve, and Max.

He is survived by his wife Tina Gittelson, son Max Gittelson and Max's wife Sara Gittelson, brother Robert Gittelson and Steve Gittelson, Michael’s first cousin.


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