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Maxwell Fabrics Names Zoë Drummond Design Director

March 16, 2017

VANCOUVER, Canada — Zoë Drummond has been named Design Director of Maxwell Fabrics and Telafina brands, a wholesaler here. Maxwell is a Vancouver based fabric wholesaler with business also in the USA.
Zoë Drummond Zoë Drummond
Jennifer Apple Jennifer Apple
Drummond replaces Jennifer Ames Apple, Director of Design and Development for Maxwell Fabrics and Telafina brand. Apple left her position at Maxwell in June after 18 plus years. Drummond joined the company in 2006 and early on worked with Apple in a design capacity so she is really returning to that department. Prior to her design post, she was the North Carolina Operations Manager for Maxwell for two years based in Charlotte until November, 2016 when she took her new post. She moved back to Vancouver from Hickory last summer in preparation for her new position. She reports to Oren Garaway.
Oren Garaway Oren Garaway
Apple is the cousin of Oren Garaway, the President and son of Larry Garaway. Larry and his sister Darlene Ames ran a business called Vancouver Quilting prior to establishing the Maxwell operation. Apple is Darlene’s daughter. Apple joined the 60-year-old company in January, 1998 and was most recently working with her cousin, Oren Garaway, President and third generation family owner. He joined the company business in January, 2002. Apple is now director of J. Apple Management & Design in Vancouver, a real estate firm. It is understood that Apple wanted to spend more time with her family and the traveling demands of her post at Maxwell were more than she wanted at this time. She was a regular visitor to international exhibitions like Heimtextil and Proposte.

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