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M. L. Arora founder of Dicitex Furnishings, 75

March 1, 2018

MUMBAI—M.L. Arora, the founder of Dicitex Furnishings Pvt. was born August 18, 1942 and passed August 28, 2017. Arora left his native village in Punjab India as a school kid in order to relocate to Mumbai. He was unable to continue his studies for want of money and his responsibility to look after family members. As a result, Arora joined his father’s small textile trade activities. In May 1999, he started Dicitex Furnishings with a singular vision to succeed in the manufacturing and marketing of home decorative furnishings. His two sons Rajjnish and Nimish continue to run Dicitex Furnishings today which has grown at a steady pace over 30 years, “Our father had the right attitude and had self-confidence towards business that translated to success. He helped us to build a business of $80 million in furnishing fabrics that is being exported to several countries”, says Rajjnish and Nimish, the two Directors. Arora was considered to be very religious and was a follower of the Hindu goddess Vaishno Devi. Vaishno Devi Mandir is a Hindu temple in Jammu and Kashmir. He sponsored several paid trips to the temple for many friends and relatives. F&FI

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