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Looking for Indent Partners

February 17, 2016

Dear Eric, Thanks for the opportunity to reach out via your publication. To start I would introduce my company, Ken Bimler Ltd, a curtain and upholstery fabric wholesaler. Head office in Christchurch, New Zealand and operating since 1974. We service retailers, designers and commercial customers throughout Australia and New Zealand. To date we have been a stockist but now we are looking to add a fabric indent line. How does an indent line work? It requires two wholesalers that stock a range of designs and operate in different geographical regions. We would put together a collection of designs from their range and sample these to our existing clients. The stock holder supplies cut length for sales made and these are airfreighted in say a weekly consignment. The advantage for one is getting risk free serviced access to another market. The other gets access to a stocked range of designs without having to take a principal position in the product. A win win for all involved – doubly so if both take an indent collection from each other’s ranges. Taken a step further this could develop into a cooperative group covering many regions. Interested parties could contact me via email jason@bimfab.co.nz and check out our website www.kenbimler.co.nz . Thanks again Eric and I look forward to catching up at Evteks in May. Kind Regards, Jason Rademaker (Managing Director)

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