Integra’s Reweaving America Campaign Seeks Commitment from U.S. Manufacturers
August 26, 2011
LORIS, South Carolina — Debbie McArthur, president of Integra Fabrics, has launched Reweaving America, a nationwide campaign that seeks commitments from U.S. companies to purchase 60% of their manufactured goods from the domestic market.
“It’s a basic lesson of supply and demand,” said McArthur. “We need to demand more domestically and the American companies will respond.”
The campaign, which launched at HD Vegas 2011, saw an immediate positive response by such companies as Milliken, Fabri-Quilt Hospitality, AirDye Solutions, Wyoming Weavers, Tahoe Mills and Hampton Prints.
“They all agreed to participate both financially and with enthusiasm to help encourage our hotel corporations, purchasing companies, designers, management companies and all involved in our industry to make the commitment to purchase at least 60% of fully USA manufactured goods,” said McArthur. Debbie McArthur
McArthur said the idea that Chinese goods are cheaper than American-made goods is becoming outdated because of the rising cost of labor throughout Asia and the added cost to international shipping for American companies purchasing from the Asia-based suppliers. According to her research, over 40,000 U.S. manufacturing plants closed in 2008 and over 5.5 million manufacturing jobs have been lost domestically over the last decade.
Moreover, she estimates that 20 to 30% of the goods exported out of Asia are reported as “seconds or flawed.” She also said that while delivery times could be up to three months for purchases from overseas, Integra is just one of many companies in America that guarantee much shorter lead times.
Integra is certainly doing its part; more than 83% of its fabrics are woven and manufactured in the U.S.
“This commitment makes a tremendous difference to our economy as well as provide a measurable return in monetary value to the consumer.”
Integra is a converter specializing in heat transfer printed fabrics for hospitality bedding, drapery, and upholstery applications. For more information on the campaign and to find out how you can participate visit and F&FI