House of Pierre Frey Goes Hollywood French Style
December 5, 2013
PARIS — The House of Pierre Frey has produced “Escapade,” its first motion picture using Jacques Garcia’s 2013 renovation of the trend setting Hotel Costes here as the backdrop.
This film will be followed up by a more commercial endeavor about ‘Made in France’ to be shown at Maison et Objet in January, according to Kim Huebner, Frey’s director of marketing and public relations.
“Our first film was created for art’s sake. Creation comes before commercial at Pierre Frey,” she says. Frey brands include Pierre Frey, Braquenie, Fadini Borghi and Boussac. The House of Frey is the largest editeur in France today and one of the most successful in Europe. Pierre Frey
“Escapade” was directed by Martial Schmeltz. A Parisian couple played by Amandine Decroix and Pierre Benoit-Talbourdet Napoleone hits the Parisian nightlife in a love story that has a twist. “The film is a declaration of love to Paris,” says Talbourdet Napoleone. One must see it! Almost every scene features the fabric collection of Pierre Frey that was used in designer Garcia’s hotel renovation. Mattias Mimoun wrote the score and it is beautiful like the film.
The just under four minute movie was the brainstorm of Pierre Frey, the next generation owner of the company. “There’s such a sameness in fabrics today that it is difficult to differentiate your offer,” says Huebner says. “There is still a lot of beige in the market but we’ll never launch a product with just beige options,” she adds. Kim Huebner
It was her idea to promote the “Escapade” on “Nowness”, a website funded b y LVMH, owners of luxury brands like Moet and Vuitton. “Nowness demanded exclusivity for the introduction of our movie for one week,” Huebner explains . Then Huebner went viral with ‘Escapade’ on Utube and Vimeo.”Escapade reflects the soul of our company. A lot of online buzz was created around it.
The film will be shown in Frey’s dedicated showrooms in Paris, New York, London and Nice and 17 agent showrooms worldwide.