Haufe Retires; Fradin Follows Him!
March 24, 2014
FRANKFURT—Rockland Mills Inc. hosted a retirement dinner for Henner Haufe at Gasthof Steinernes Haus January 7.
After 59 years in the textiles industry, Haufe, founder of Creative Furnishing Fabrics in Sulzburg, Germany says he plans to spend a great deal of time at his vacation home on the Costa Blanca, the Southern coast of Spain with his wife Haide. Henner Haufe and Stan Fradin
Haufe had a long and successful career in fabrics with his special ability to introduce American fabric lines to European buyers. Those lines included Lanscot Arlen, P/Kaufmann and more recently, Roc-Lon® from Rockland Mills Inc.
“Very few reach the top of the industry like Henner Haufe,” Fradin said. “Nobody could appreciate what Henner has achieved unless they were there with him like I have been. There was no printed blackout when we started with Henner. He made it happen for us!” Fradin has logged 48 years with the textile business, nearly all of them with Rockland.
At the same time, Rockland President Stan Fradin utilized the event to announce his own retirement June 1. However, Stan admitted he will continue with Roc-Lon in some capacity even if it isn’t fulltime employment.