Frowein Tagged F. Schumacher President
March 29, 2016
NEW YORK, New York - Benjamin Frowein has been named President of F. Schumacher Fabrics, the 127-year-old American fabric editeur.
He has been with F. Schumacher as a consultant since February and news of his promotion has been rumored within the fabric trade for several weeks.
Timur Yumusaklar continues in his post as CEO of Schumacher, which he has held since May 2015.
Frowein, like Yumusaklar, was a principal of The Boston Consulting Group where the two both worked 2012-2014. Frowein joined the Boston Consulting Group in 2010. More recently, Frowein was the owner of BeMi Invest from January 2015 to February 2016. Here, he was an entrepreneur involved with property development, interior design and landscape design. He has had no practical experience in the fabric business following in the footsteps of his colleague Yumusaklar.
F. Schumacher is following a path of hiring top management from outside the fabric industry with an emphasis on web marketing skills. Recently, Schumacher launched an aggressive e-commerce drive to promote its new collections in lieu of conventional sampling.
Frowein was educated at Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid, Spain with a degree in business administration and was born in Berlin, Germany. He speaks several languages including German, his mother tongue.