Following Sale to Sattler, Outdura Restructures Senior Management
March 18, 2011
HUDSON, North Carolina — Outdura Corp. has announced the hiring and repositioning of several key staff members, including Amy Hawn, formerly controller at Shuford Mills and assistant controller at Shurtape as the new CFO for Outdura.
Hawn will lead all financial, IT and human resources functions. She is a certified CPA with over 20 years in accounting, finance, information technology, operations and management on the side of product and service-based operations.
Also joining Outdura Corp from the parent company, Sattler AG is Reinhard Poscher. He will serve as COO and focus on expanding Outdura’s operational capacity and enhancing the organization’s overall supply chain systems.
"We are highly committed to investing in our new organization and these moves clearly support our focus on building our business through the development of our key associates and recruiting talent to augment and strengthen our organization," said C.P. Davis, CEO.
Rebecca Lane has been promoted to sales support manager. She will provide lead sales planning, promotion and administrative support for the Casual Furniture, Marine and Awning segments. Paul Greene, formerly Lead Customer Service representative will move to a new position of transportation coordinator. Greene recently led the Customer Service group. Joan Greene has been promoted to the manager of Customer Service. She is a 27-year veteran with the former parent company, Shuford Mills and has held numerous positions in operations, sales support and industrial engineering. Joining her is a new customer service rep, Sue Herztler. Michelle Melton has joined Outdura as H.R. Manager. Melton comes to Outdura after many key HR/Organizational development assignments with major durable goods companies.
"Expect a good balance of continuity and change from us. Outdura is all about continuing to wow the market with great service, superior quality and leading edge designs, while building its capability to further serve the outdoor market," said Davis.