Fabulous Flying Fradins Reunite
August 13, 2010
BALTIMORE, Maryland — Darren Fradin, 41, returns to his hometown of Baltimore from Adventura, Florida after a 20-year absence. He will join Rockland Industries Inc. and his father, Stan Fradin, president. Effective September, Darren will be assigned to a management role and plans on attending HD Boutique in Miami Beach where Rockland will have a stand.
Darren will be moving to Baltimore for his new position after a six-year hiatus from the world of textiles. Prior to joining Rockland, he was involved in his sister’s demolition business. His last job in the fabric industry was as the national sales manager for Sunbury Mills in 2004. His first job in the industry was with Anju Woodridge in 1993. He was also associated with Fame division of Covington Industries and was involved in the sourcing of Chinese fabrics in 1999.