Dobin Road Show Features Digital Prints
March 10, 2015
FRANKFURT—Allie Dobin, the fifth and youngest Dobin family member was in evidence at Heimtextil for the first time along with her mom, Judy, sister Diana and brother Michael.
They were pushing the digital printing business established by Valley Forge six months ago especially the ‘Huesteria™ concept of uncontrollable human emotion as it relates to color.
The company is digitally printing in North Carolina where it can make it faster than it can be shipped form overseas even if it was in stock.
Valley Forge is supplying hotel designers with 7,000 color blankets to demonstrate the infinite availability of colorful prints in the hotel room.
“In the 80’s, it was colorfully printed bedspreads but this was replaced by the all white bed and the duvet cover,” says Dan Dobin, Chairman of Valley Forge. “Color came back with the all white bed; the bed scarf and artful use of pillows with trimming and mitered seams followed.”
“Pick a Valley Forge design and recolor it or pick a custom designed pattern,” says Mike Dobin President.
Mike notes that his customers pick custom colored printed designs in the Valley Forge library 40 percent of the time; 40 percent from booked collections and 20 percent is done from scratch.
Valley Forge prints: At Heimtextil: Valley Forge Co- Presidents Diana Dobin and brother Michael Dobin (top row); Ahmet Sapmaz, Viice President, Sourcing with Allie Dobin, the fifth and final member of the Dobin clan to join the company with her mom Judy, a co-founder of Valley Forge Inc., with her husband Dan (not shown) Holding the foot is Alyssa Weiss - director of special projects. Also pictured is Catherine Pauciello Senior Director, Design & Sales