Defects Will Drive Fabric Design Says Heimtextil Forum Member
December 5, 2013
NEW YORK, New York —Fabric design is entering an age when defects will be in vogue according to Mark Hammonds, President of the Color Marketing Group and Heimtextil Trend Forum member.
“Things that go wrong in technology will result in designs that are not perfect and that is ok with the consumer today,” Hammond told Fabrics & Furnishings International during a Heimtextil press conference at the Ace Hotel here. While the design can be imperfect, Hammonds says that we want the finished item to be sewn perfectly and the overall quality is more important. This produces a more tailored item but with imperfections in the design. Peter Hammond
“As people, we are imperfect and we feel better being surrounded by fabrics which are also not perfect. Authenticity and provenance is important though,” he said. Defects in the pattern make things real and approachable.”
He sees other trends like color with more craft. “We need to pull back on color intensity if we let the craft or fabric texture show through,” he feels. Colors can’t be too livid or too perfect.” Hammond feels the rest of the world likes to capture the American sense of ease in fashion and home furnishings. “However, Europe has an edge over thre US in color,” he adds.