Kravet Brands

Chatham Meets British Fire Standard With Backcoating Technology

January 5, 2000

Elkin, N.C. -Chatham Fabrics has introduced a broad line of fabrics that meet the British flame-retardancy standard, 5852 part one. The new lines will be on display during Heimtextil 2000 at the Marriott Hotel in Frankfurt on January 12-15.

This breakthrough for Chatham was made possible with the introduction of a new backcoating technology, said Jim Jenkins Export Product Manager. ''This was a collaborative research effort with an outside chemical supplier,'' he said. Chatham is doing the finishing in-house in Elkin.

''We have already tested our fabrics to meet the British test for flame retardancy. There was an overall plan to service the global market by executing our strategic plan step by step. We're still adding products and distribution. Our biggest sellers are now available with the new backcoating, but we are adding more products to the FR program every day,'' said Jeff Irwin, Vice President, Furniture Fabric.

''Chatham has also purchased the equipment required for conducting the Martindale test, the most common global test for abrasion resistance,'' said Jeff Irwin. As a result, customers can now request Martindale test results for specific markets requiring the information like the U.K., Scandinavia, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

''This enhances our ability to handle the needs of our global customers,'' Jenkins said. Prior to this, it was our customer's problem to test the fabrics to meet their requirements. At an early stage of our export marketing activities we had planned to add the Martindale equipment and made a commitment to develop the back-coating technology. We developed the programs in the past year to the point where we are accepting orders with the confidence that all systems are working very well,'' he said.

''Chatham is considered one of the major suppliers of contract upholstery in the NAFTA region and this new program will expand our dominance of the contract business globally,'' said Jenkins. ''It will also give our residential business a global boost for the first time now that we can pass these tests.''

''We have received favorable comments from our customer regarding our back-coating,'' Irwin said. ''We know that we are more than competitive with the alternatives. We expect to achieve a 25 percent gain in export sales as a result of these developments and the overall growth of our export business activities.''

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