Kravet Brands

Capiro Finds its Niche, Buys Locally in Caravans

August 26, 2011


DEERLIJK, Belgium — Capiro has created a niche for itself as one of the top European wholesaler/suppliers to the highly concentrated caravan and motorized trade with 80 percent of the business in Germany, France and UK according to Christoph Vanneste, one of the three partners.

It sells about 1.5 million meters of upholstery and drapery fabric annually. It participates in the end of August Caravan Show in Dusseldorf each year. Capiro is successful with 15 suppliers including mostly Belgian mills like Algemene, Tavelmo and Ter Molst. Here, Capiro can purchase standard warps in many different designs. Everything can be delivered to the customer in four weeks. Luc Callens: Capiro Supplier Algemene’s Luc CallensLuc Callens: Capiro Supplier Algemene’s Luc Callens

“We had big growth in 2000 and 2006. The caravan producers found out that the best way to be in the business was to stop producing inventory so everything is now made to order and the stocks are clear. There is more demand than offer right now and that’s better than the reverse situation.”

Vanneste is the son of the founder, Philippe Vanneste who accidently stumbled on the caravan niche in the 80’s. He started the business with the caravan trade in South Africa, tested the concept and took off from there in Europe.   Vanneste’s other two partners are his brothers-in-law, Pol Verstraete who handles administration and Koen Vanderhaeghen who handles sales and general business.

The major caravan producers today include Hejmer, Dethleffs, Burstner and LMC, all within the TEC Group of Germany; also, Hobby and Fendt; Knaus Tabbert including Wilk and Weinsberg of Germany. Nigano is the biggest group in Europe based in France. The entire business consolidated in the 90’s. Koen Vanderhaegen, Christoph Vanneste and Pol VerstraeteKoen Vanderhaegen, Christoph Vanneste and Pol Verstraete

Nearly 80 percent of the business today buys chenilles, Vanneste said, but “there is no real growth in this business.” He said prints do not sell well. “In general, orders are small. We sell 50 meters at a time. This is a highly fragmented business which we have personalized. These companies cannot go to China for product. They need a local source and they need it fast when they build the caravans.”    F&FI


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