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CDI, Valley Forge Offer One Stop Drapery/Roller Shade Installation;

October 31, 2017

Fort Lauderdale, FL—Valley Forge Fabrics expects to raise the bar on faster delivery of finished window treatments to the hotel industry according to Mikey Dobin, CEO. With the Valley Forge Fabrics acquisition of CDI (Contract Décor International), the newly developed company – CDI, a Valley Forge Company, the company is following through on a promise to his customers to be a one-stop shopping mecca for window treatments, roller shades, and COM drapery installation. “Valley Forge Fabrics has a precision process flow in place and CDI has a team with incredible knowledge and experience in the window”,” Dobin points out. Michael Handler, who purchased CDI from his father Larry, is now General Manager and a partner in the new ownership of the 120 employee company (Brockton, MA) with Valley Forge. The goal of Diana and Mikey Dobin, as well as Mike Handler, is to offer finished window treatments to be delivered even faster than the industry standard of four to six weeks from receipt of fabric delivery and measurements. “Our customers wanted us to do this,” Mikey explains. “We want to be able to offer the best experience to our customers in the market for installation of window coverings,” Diana, who is very passionate about the project, explains “We have prepared ourselves internally for the past 18 months with the necessary process to make this work and be totally responsible.” Both Dobins say that fabricators have also always gone direct to the customer for window treatment business so that is nothing new either. “We’ve sold roller shades these last three years and worked with other fabricators with fabrics for draperies. “Cut and sew, coupled with installation, is the central issue for timing and price and we have found a great way to control both with this acquisition,” they said. Dobin says that Valley Forge is flattening the supply chain with the purchase and offering one level of accountability to the hotel customer for window treatments. Previously, the industry practice was for either the fabric company or the workroom to finger point at each other when problems arose Now, purchasing companies, hotels, and designers with have one responsible party. As far as critics who say that other converters will not do business with CDI under the new ownership, Dobin is surprised and has already spoken to many friendly fabric competitors. “Today, CDI receives the order from a purchaser and is sent COM to make window treatments. Our fabric competitors shipped to CDI in the past, and that will not change per our mutual customers’ requests.” Per Mike Handler – “It is business as usual at CDI, a Valley Forge Company – we have and will always accept COM. That COM will come from any company that our customers choose, and we will be happy to work with it.”

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