Arnitex Opens D&D N.Y. Showroom
May 2, 2012
COS COB, CT--Arnitex LLC, a distributor and sales representative of high end furnishings with an agent network throughout North America will move into a 1,200 square foot showroom June 1 on the 12 th floor of the D&D Building, 979 Third Avenue, New York City. In the new space, Arnitex will offer a selected grouping of collections, including Decortex Firenze, Jagtar, Casadeco, Robert Crowder wallpaper, Groves Bros., Place Vendome Trimmings and Kisabeth Furniture.
“The Arnitex showroom, expected to open its doors on June 1, will provide some of the industries’ finest collections and aim at providing a service matching our collections’ quality,” says Bruno Garros, owner. “The idea is not to be bigger, but better in product offering and service, and earn loyalty from our clients,” he adds.
This is Arnitex’s first full service showroom in New York. A grand opening party celebration is scheduledfor September.