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American Century Fills Two New Positions

December 31, 2001

Miami, FL (USA) —American Century JST Inc., an eight-year-old sales, marketing and design group has filled two new positions.

The company specializes in importing Chinese made upholstery and decorative fabrics under the American Century Home Fabrics brand, which is geared to supply the American home fabrics industry with decorative fabrics from Chinese partners. David Petrusch, a 23-year veteran of the textile and furniture industries, has been named president of JST America Inc. Over the last five years, Petrusch, who moved from Boston to Miami to fill the role, has held down vice president and creative director posts at Merrimac Textile, a division of Barrow Industries.

America JST also appointed Stacie Brasco to fill the position of creative director. Brasco does design work from Boston. Through the use of CAD systems and Internet conferencing, she works with freelance designers.

Brasco was also with Barrow for five years and prior to that post, she worked in design for Stevens Linen. The company said the new additions to JST came as a result its rapid growth.

Jason Jiang, the owner of the company, said that it became makes essential to hire a fulltime president based in the U.S. because of his frequent two- and three-week trips to China. Jiang said that while he is traveling to stay in touch with the mills he represents, someone had to be available stateside to work with American customers. Jiang said that Chinese woven products are improving. "The Chinese have advanced their skills and as weavers are producing goods with great appeal for the U.S. market. Expansion of the mills is obvious throughout the textile region of China.

"With the addition of the latest Italian looms and the development of design studios with the latest CAD technology, Chinese product can be produced with less complication." Jiang said his company works with agents and has employees in China to oversee production and ensure consistent quality and delivery.

"Orchestrating shipments and a constant flow of goods into the U.S. is also the responsibility of our Chinese partners," he said. "All goods are warehoused in High Point to ensure timely delivery to the customer."

American Century Home Fabrics will show its new lines at Showtime in its first permanent showroom on the eighth floor of the Market Square Textiles Tower. Jiang said the designs are domestic but the fabric is made in China. The collection is said to be totally coordinated to provide the customer with mix-and-match options.

Petrusch said the company decided to hold down the total number of SKUs in order to offer better service to the customer. "Color is common from our damasks to plains and tapestry. Our design efforts include traditional as well as transitional and contemporary. We feel that all qualities represent a great value to the customer."

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