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Fabric Features

Belgium Van Maele Weavers Closes, Even After Reorganization, as European Linen Weavers Struggle
New Recron FS Textile Consultant Looking Toward $3.6 Billion World Market
Veteran Textile Trader Sees Chinese PTA Costs Rising, Polyester Fabrics Pushed Ten Percent Higher
The Mood at Mood+Indigo, the Annual Textile Show, Optimistic
Swavelle Completes, and Expects Boost, From Al Fresco Outdoor Fabric Purchase
After Series of Acquisitions, Bru Buys Stuart Graham Fabrics
Richloom Fabrics Executive Outlined Ways 25 Percent Tariff Hurts US Textiles and Counterproductive to Trump Goals
High End Market Grows in China, Volume Export Still Shows Gain
Covington Fabric + Design, Timeless Elegance
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